At Electroexelixis, we always pursue quality based on regulations and certified materials, leading companies
Our advantage is our reliability and our unparalleled commitment to each client with their unique needs, which we apply with perfect results.
It is the standard we serve and adhere to to the fullest, to the satisfaction of every customer
Since 2006 hundreds of projects have been delivered in various areas across the country faithfully applying the rules of electricity
Customers prefer us for:
●Knowledge of solutions
●Attention to detail
●Quality of materials
●Reliability in the result
Here you can see the types of installations we undertake
●House board changes within a day
●Installations and renovations of shop houses
●Installations of strong currents of all kinds
●Installation of weak currents
● Damages
●Cctv surveillance cameras
●Certification of facilities
● Issuance of certificates DEDDIE certification body (HD384 regulations)
● Since 2001 we have strictly followed and implemented the regulations in every installation concerning weak/strong currents
The correct information and solution to the customer, in matters of security against the risks coming from the current, is the main concern.
It is a component of the trust in which we respect the whole
Telephone: 6944688948